
4 types arms holding apparatus are available : Arm port transformer, Karugaru, Sofura sling, Sling / Sling Fuchitori

Arm port transformer

Category : Orthopedic

Housing groups : arms

Generic name : hanging arm

It is the arm hanging band to keep a distance from the shoulder to the elbow at a constant level.


Category : Orthopedic

Housing groups : arms

Generic name : Elbow band

This is tennis elbow band on the humerus lateral epicondyle down moderately, to reduce traction.

Sofura sling

Category : Orthopedic

Housing groups : arms

Generic name : hanging arm

To gently support the arm in the same cotton material as the sling from the conventional.

Part of the elbow will fit without waste by own draping.


Sling / Sling Fuchitori

Category : Orthopedic

Housing groups : arms

Generic name : sling

You can choose in each application.